
What Size Animal Trap I Need For Squireel Mice Humane


Two beavers being relocated in live-trap Kyla W

Trapping is a feasible option if you cannot resolve a conflict with an fauna past other ways, such as removing the attractant, installing a bulwark, or applying a scare tactic. It should, nonetheless, be considered the final pick, because trapping it presents many problems for both the animals and the trapper. Also, information technology rarely is a permanent solution if other animals are in the area, and food and/or shelter remain available to them.

An beast that is but passing through the yard or living in a tree in the backyard should not be trapped. There is no guarantee that the side by side fauna to motion in won't be a problem. Living near animals is like having new neighbors—you never know what the state of affairs volition exist until later the new family has already moved in.

Appropriate times to trap an creature in or around a home or property include emergency situations, the removal of a targeted problem animal, or when trapping is the merely applied solution.

Trapping activity by an private in a nuisance wildlife situation must comply, where applicable, with the requirements under WAC 220-417-030 and attach to RCW 77.36.030 & 77.15.190.

Basic trap designs

Modern traps fall into two master categories: quick-kill type traps and live-holding traps. Kill-type traps are designed to quickly kill the captured beast, much like a mutual snap-trap used on house mice. Live-holding traps can exist separated into cage traps, foothold traps, and snares.

Cage trap

The homeowner who is dealing with a homo/wildlife disharmonize frequently uses a cage trap, also referred to equally a live trap. The common cage trap used to capture mammals works when an brute steps on the treadle, or pan, located inside the trap. When the treadle is tripped, information technology causes the endmost of a door, or doors, at the cease(s) of the trap. Jennifer Rees

The data on this folio deals only with the employ of cage traps used to capture mammals. These are the traps nearly often used by people dealing with homo/wild fauna conflicts in yards, gardens, and houses. They come in a diverseness of designs; their sizes range from those that capture mice to those that capture big dogs. To avoid injuring people or trapping pets and other not-targeted animals in urban or suburban settings, cage traps oftentimes are the merely traps permitted for use in these areas.

Except mice and rat snap-traps, quick-kill traps and other alive holding traps should exist left to professionals and individuals who meet land requirements and are authorized to use these traps nether let.

Cage-trapping wild animals

Two questions to enquire yourself before attempting to trap an creature are: (1) Can I practise this legally (comply with state laws regarding trapping and transporting wildlife? and (2) Can I exercise this humanely? If the answer to either of these is no, consider hiring a professional who is better able to come across these ends.

When used properly, cage traps tin offer non-lethal solutions to conflicts. However, despite the perception that live capture in muzzle traps is humane, animals oftentimes experience stress and physical damage during capture. Captured animals may too suffer from exposure to farthermost weather condition and lack of water. Such injuries, trauma, and disorientation can lead to the death of an brute days afterward it has been released.

For these reasons, it is of import that all precautions described throughout this handout are carefully followed.

Cage traps tin can be purchased from hardware stores, farm supply centers, and over the Internet (search for "Live Traps" and "Muzzle Traps"). Some rental business and wildlife harm control companies rent them. Before using a trap, exist sure information technology is make clean, to prevent the brute coming in contact with or spreading potentially dangerous organisms. A dirty trap should be washed, disinfected with a bleach solution (i function bleach to 9 parts of water and let it remain on for twenty minutes), and thoroughly rinsed. To protect yourself, ever wearable gloves when handling the trap.

When non to trap

Never trap an adult animal that is caring for dependent offspring. Look and listen for young—even exterior the animal's known birthing season.

When an adult animal is trapped, expect for enlarged teats that are relatively costless of hair, which indicate it is a female nursing immature. (By standing the trap up on end you tin usually observe the underneath side of the animal.) In such a instance, release the female on site so she tin tend to her young.

Permanently separating the nursing female from her immature would likely cause the offspring to starve to decease. Orphaned wild animals must exist cared for by licensed professionals. Do non try to intendance for the animals yourself. Not just could you further harm the animals, it is illegal for you to do so. Contact your WDFW Regional Office for a electric current list of wildlife rehabilitators.

Never trap an animal during poor weather with the intention of releasing information technology. Trapped animals expend free energy that is normally used to cope with wintertime conditions and they may die soon subsequently.

What to practise with a trapped creature

Before trapping an animal, you demand to know what you are going to practice with information technology after the animal has been captured. There are a diverseness of options:

Option one: Release the creature at the site of capture

With this option, an animal is trapped and released on site subsequently its reentry into a construction is prevented past concrete exclusion. (See Evicting Animals from Buildings for exclusion techniques.)

In such a example, the beast is evicted within its abode range and considering it is familiar with its surroundings, it tin before long detect suitable nutrient and shelter. In the upshot young are present but were not noticed prior to trapping, allow the female back inside to tend to her dependent offspring.

A downside to this approach is the possibility that the animal may merely enter someone else's attic, chimney, or similar place. Then, if someone else has to trap the creature, they will be dealing with a trap-smart brute, making its capture difficult.

Option 2: Release the creature outside of its domicile range

The release of elk, bear, and other wildlife by professional wildlife managers to reintroduce or augment populations is a proven and valid technique for wildlife management. Nevertheless, releases of this kind should non be dislocated with moving problem wildlife, which may be illegal. In the State of Washington, information technology is unlawful to possess or transport alive wildlife or wild birds (except starlings and business firm sparrows by falconers) without a permit (WAC 220-450-030). This includes Eastern gray squirrels, Eastern cottontail rabbits, raccoons, and opossums. They are considered wildlife because they occur in Washington in a wild state—which includes neighborhood parks and backyards.

Many times, non enough consideration is given to the impact of the capture and release procedure on the creature, or to the animal's bear upon on the established wildlife populations at the release site. While wildlife released in a new location is an selection often preferred by well-meaning people opposed to killing animals, information technology is not but prohibited without a permit, but likewise may be at the expense of the released creature or the animals at the release site.

Biologists exercise not recommend releasing wildlife exterior their home range for the following reasons:

  • Bloodshed rates increase when animals are subjected to stress and trauma associated with capture, treatment, transport, and being released into an unfamiliar territory.
  • Animals that are released may harm or be harmed by resident animals (e.grand., by territorial disputes, disease transmission, factor-pool disruptions, etc.).
  • The same (or a competing) species may already be overabundant in the surface area. Excess animals have to move or die.
  • Habitat weather in the new area might not exist suited to the brute being released.
  • Many animal species have potent homing instincts and, upon release, they brainstorm traveling in the direction of their capture sites, resulting in exposure to roads and other hazards.
  • Animals may crusade problems for humans in the vicinity of the release site.

Option 3: Euthanize the brute

Euthanasia of trapped nuisance wild animals must exist past humane means. When euthanasia of alive-captured nuisance wildlife is necessary, the euthanasia must be done humanely, consistent with the guidelines of the American Veterinarian Medical Association. Under the guidelines, drowning, live burial, and freezing alive animals are considered inhumane and unacceptable. Therefore, WDFW does non recommend, encourage, or disregard drowning as a method of euthanasia of alive-captured nuisance wildlife. If you need help with nuisance wildlife, telephone call a WDFW-certified wild fauna command operator.

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good, and thanatos pregnant death. A "good expiry" is one that occurs with minimal pain and distress. Whether to utilise euthanasia is a personal question and a matter of an individual'southward perspective and values. People's opinion on the topic often depends on the experience they have with an animal. Opinions as well depend on what will exist killed—people are often less upset if it'due south a mouse or a snake that is killed, and more upset if it is a raccoon or a beaver. The virtually widely accepted—but still disputed—guidelines for euthanasia practices follow the standards prepare by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), which include:

  • An injection of sodium pentobarbital or other pharmaceutical.
  • Carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2) supplied to a chamber from a compressed gas cylinder (minor and medium sized animals).
  • A gunshot to the head (small and medium sized animals. Cheque your local firearm ordinances).
  • Stunning, followed by decapitation (amphibians, reptiles, and birds merely).
  • Cervical dislocation by stretching the animal and then the neck is hyper-extended to separate the kickoff vertebrae from the skull (birds, rabbits, and pocket-size rodents merely).

Unfortunately, the bulk of the in a higher place agents of euthanasia crave training and care to administrate. In add-on, most are not available to, or do not appeal to, the do-it-yourselfer.

Care should always be taken to guarantee that the animal is euthanized humanely. If it cannot, or you lot do not have the necessary training, an alternative would exist to contact your local wildlife impairment control company, veterinarian, or animal shelter. They may euthanize the brute for a fee. Live burial, freezing a alive beast, and drowning are unacceptable methods of euthanasia and are considered inhumane according to the guidelines set past the American Veterinary Medical Association. While shooting an creature may sound farthermost, in many cases it is the best available method because of its quickness, and it may cause the least amount of stress and pain to the animal. If shooting is used, the operator and firearm must be capable of producing a quick death.

To calm downwards an active animate being, the trap can exist covered with a dark towel or other cover. Depending on the species and size of the fauna, a .22 quotient rifle or revolver should be used in accordance with local laws and regulations. See Step iv beneath for data on how to handle the dead creature.

Note: In order to properly check an fauna for possible rabies, the animal must not be shot in the head; instead, aim for the lung area directly backside the front shoulder. Human psychological responses to euthanasia of animals demand to be considered, with grief at the loss of life every bit the virtually common reaction. People who take to euthanize animals, especially under public pressure to save the animals rather than destroy them, can experience extreme distress and feet.

Cage-trapping wildlife: Footstep by footstep

If an fauna needs to be trapped and yous are uncomfortable or take no interest in doing the work yourself, contact a wildlife impairment control company. In the wildlife damage control manufacture, private companies made up of one or more people offering a multifariousness of services, including trapping. Experienced trappers know the behavior of each species and the methods required to trap them. They also recognize signs of diseases and nursing females.

Often their solution to a disharmonize will involve setting several cage traps to make sure the entire family unit of animals is caught—or as many as possible at one time. Multiple traps are not something virtually homeowners take on paw.

Annotation: Persons working at state wildlife offices do not provide trapping services, but they can provide names of individuals and companies that practice. If you are somewhat knowledgeable about wild animals, have identified the species of beast to be trapped, and experience you tin can handle the situation in a humane and legal style, follow the steps below. cage traps, foothold traps, and snares.

Stride 1: Develop a programme that includes options

Contact your local wildlife office and municipality for current data on trapping restrictions (types of traps to be used, requirements foreuthanasia, species of biological business organisation in the surface area) and any required authority. Decide if the animal will be released on site, euthanized, or moved somewhere else by someone who has a permit to transport it. If it is to be released on site, exist prepare to make all necessary structure repairs to ensure that the beast will not reenter the structure subsequently being released. If the animal is to be euthanized, make up one's mind who, and if necessary, how it volition be done.

Step two: Set the trap

Set the cage trap every bit near to the den as possible, in the brute's pathway, or in the expanse of damage. When locating the trap, consider the possibility of young children approaching the trapped animate being, theft of the trap, or damage to the trap by vandals.If setting a trap on physical or another hard surface, identify the trap on plywood or some other protective surface to prevent the creature from dissentious its paws when trying to dig its way out. To prevent raccoons and opossums from toppling the trap, make sure the protective material extends out from the trap at least 8 inches and locate the trap away from shrubs or other objects that they could catch.

A captured animate being often defecates in a trap. If the trap is set up outdoors, biological risk is minimal only however real. Refrain from setting a trap near a shallow well, garden, playpen, or where a dog is tethered. Traps set inside the living surface area of the firm should be placed on acme of at least ten sheets of newspaper. Place a tennis brawl in the trap to requite a large animal a fashion to release energy and frustration; a piece of forest will provide a small fauna something to chew. Anchor the trap so it won't tip or misfire when the animal enters—an animal volition not enter a tipsy trap, and misfires teach it not to attempt and enter again.

Anchor the trap with a cinder block or other heavy object placed on top. You can as well pound rebar stakes into the basis at the corners, or wire or clench the trap to a stable object. Set up the trap and so trip it several times to be sure the cage is steady and operation properly. Trip the trap past using a pen or pencil, sticking an end through the side of the muzzle and pushing down on the treadle. If the doors do not piece of work fast enough, identify small stones or other weights on pinnacle of the door to brand it driblet faster. Utilise plenty of the suggested bait so information technology will be seen and its odour released into the air.

Pace 3: Monitor the trap and animate being

Be "on call" the entire time a trap is set. A trap gear up for a nocturnal animal should be set at or near dusk. The unset trap should exist closed at dawn to avert trapping a non-target animate being during the mean solar day. Reverse this procedure when attempting to capture a diurnal (agile during daylight) animal. Alter the trap location or try different bait if it doesn't produce a catch within three days. When an animal is captured, motion the trap to a quiet, protected spot and cover it with a tarp until time of release or euthanasia. A captured animal should not remain in the trap longer than necessary.

Note: In summertime, a trap gear up where the sun can beat downwards on it tin cause the creature to dehydrate rapidly, suffer a heat stroke, or die. If the captured animal appears injured or sick (i.eastward., having a discharge from eyes or nose, or a tiresome, sparse coat or scabby skin) and you don't want to euthanize it or have information technology euthanized, contact a wildlife rehabilitator.

Step 4: Remove the animal from the trap

Release nocturnal animals at night and diurnal species during daylight. Point the opening of the trap toward escape comprehend, then the fauna tin can see and move toward it. Stand at the opposite end of the trap, open the door, and tap the trap with your foot. If the animal is reluctant to exit, try placing the open trap on its side and moving away from the trap. When releasing an animal that offers the potential of a bite or a spray, attach a long string to the door of the trap prior to setting it, and then the door can afterwards be opened from a distance. Identify the trap under the commuter's-side door of a truck, or a window on a house, lean out the window, and concord the door open with the string until the animal exits. Annotation: Skunks and opossums often take their time when leaving a cage trap.

The carcasses of euthanized animals must be disposed of properly. To dispose of an brute on-site, the carcass must be covered by at least 2 feet of soil and located at least 200 feet from any groundwater well that is used to supply drinking water. Cover the burial hole with rocks or strong wire screening to help foreclose animals digging into it. Sprinkling a layer of garden lime on the carcass volition as well aid reduce the odor, which attracts excavation animals. If it is not feasible to dispose of a carcass on-site, contact a local veterinary or wild fauna damage command company for assistance with disposal. Animal carcasses should never exist handled with bare hands.

Stride 5: Follow up

A trap that contained a ill animal should exist washed, disinfected with a bleach solution (i role bleach to nine parts h2o and left on the trap for xx minutes), and thoroughly rinsed after each capture so as to terminate the spread of any potential disease. Immediately consummate all repair work necessary to prevent another conflict.

Muzzle-trapping specifications

Measurements represent minimum top, width, and length requirements.

Wild animals Species Trap type, size (meridian, width, length) Type of allurement Additional notes


Single-door type, 10 x 12 x 42 in.

Chicken and attractors such as feathers and eggshells, cotton assurance, or marshmallows.

Due to the forcefulness and aggressiveness of badgers, it is recommended that a professional trapper trap them. Contact your WDFW Regional Office for release sites.


Trapping bats is not recommended. Traps can be fatal to bats if left unattended, or if they get overcrowded. In improver, bats have excellent homing instincts, making moving bats unlikely to succeed.


Hancock or Bailey suitcase-type trap

Freshly cutting tree sprouts or branches, commercial scents and lures.

Due to the weight and dangers associated with suitcase traps, information technology is recommended that only people experienced with these traps use them. Some success has also come from using a iv foot long muzzle trap ready right at the water's edge next to the beaver slide.


Single-door type, xv x 20 x 42 in.

Poultry or rabbit carcass and feathers for a sight attractor.

Set the trap in the vicinity of an animate being kill or a travel way to and from cover. Utilise castor or grass on the top and sides of the trap to give the appearance of a natural "cubby" or a recess in a rock outcrop or in brush. Encompass the muzzle bottom with soil.


Single-door type, 20 x 26 x 48 in.

Sight attractors similar craven feathers, eggshells, cotton fiber balls. An auditory lure that "squeals" can be constructive. Wrap it in paper towels and a baggie to muffle the volume.

Muzzle traps are rarely effective at capturing healthy adult coyotes and almost constructive at capturing immature or sick coyotes living in urban areas or inbound a craven coop or other holding surface area for pets, livestock, or birds. The trap should be thoroughly curtained with a tarp or other material, and actress precautions need to exist taken to eliminate homo scent from the area of the trap.


Single- or double-door type, 5 x 5 10 16 in.

Unroasted peanuts, sunflower seeds, grain, popcorn, apple slices.

Place the trap where the chipmunk is active. Place a few sunflower seeds in front of the trap entrance.

(red flim-flam)

Single-door type, 15 x xv x 48 in.

Tainted meat, eggs placed in a nest, marshmallows, cotton assurance (they resemble eggs and have centre appeal).

Foxes are long-bodied animals, so the trap must be long. Have precautions to eliminate human scent from the trap and the area effectually the trap. Place bait in a hole dug under the rear of the trap. Comprehend all sides of the trap with a tarp or other material. Sift clay onto the lesser of the cage to cover the wire bottom.

Ground squirrel

Single-door type, five 10 five 10 fifteen in. to 7 x 7 x 24 in., longer if a double-door trap is used

Peanut butter, oats, barley, fresh fruit, vegetables, greens.

Set the trap most an active couch with signs of contempo blasting. Placing guide logs on either side of the path betwixt the burrow opening and the trap volition help funnel the animate being into the trap. Cover the floor of the trap with soil and leave the allurement highly visible. Cover the trap with a tarp to conceal the trap and provide an enticing nook for the fauna to enter.

(xanthous-bellied marmot)

Single-door type,
12 x 12 x 36 in.,
longer if a double-door trap is used

Peanut butter, oats, barley, fresh fruit, vegetables, greens.


Single or double-door blazon, 3 x 3 x 10 in.

Peanut butter, grain.


Unmarried-door type, 7 10 7 x 17 in., longer if a double-door trap is used

Cheese or fresh bloody meat such every bit chicken or rabbit; use sight attractors like feathers or fur.

Wrap the muzzle trap in something dark; mink like to investigate dark holes. Prepare the trap in the animal's line of travel.

Mountain Beaver

Single-door blazon,
seven x seven x 17 in.

Piece of apple, sweet potato, or whatever is being eaten in the surface area.

Prepare trap directly in the entrance of an active tunnel. Alternatively, identify a plastic laundry handbasket over the hole and cut out an opening merely large enough to insert the door of a trap into the basket cut-out. The mountain beaver will search for an opening to become through and enter the trap. Pale the basket downwardly so information technology cannot be moved. Mountain beavers are very prone to hypothermia, then wrap the trap with black plastic or burlap and cover it with soil. Trap when the weather condition is mild and bank check the trap early in the morning.


Unmarried-door type, 6 10 half dozen x twenty in.,longer for double-door traps

Corn, carrot greens, sugariness apples, cattail roots.

Place the trap only outside the couch and partially in the water, taking every precaution that the captured muskrat will non exist under water and volition be able to breathe. Muffle the muzzle trap well with grass or leaves. A brusk line of bait leading to the entrance of a trap volition increase capture success.


Single-door type, nine x 9 x 45 in.

Cantaloupe rind, ripe bananas, sugariness potatoes.

Place the trap along an agile trail or where nutria are seen. A short line of bait leading to the entrance of the trap will increment capture success. A trap placed on a floating raft will effectively catch nutria, but pre-baiting is necessary.


Single- or double-door blazon, eleven 10 11 x 36 in.

Dry out or canned pet food, sardines, old meat, chicken entrails, bacon, fish, apples.

Place the trap where the animal, or evidence of the animal has been seen, or at its den entrance.


Double-door blazon, 10 x 12 x 42 x in.

A salt-soaked fabric, sponge, or piece of woods, too water softener tablets, sweet potatoes, apples, roasted peanuts.

Place the trap in the vicinity of impairment or at the den entrance. To lure the porcupine, blend a cup of raw sugariness potatoes and an apple tree, and dribble the puréed mixture at the opening of a single-door live trap.

Rabbit and Hares

Unmarried- or double-door type, 9 ten nine x 26 in.
See notes

Fresh vegetables in summertime; apples, carrots, or breadstuff in winter.

Place the trap virtually embrace where rabbits feed or rest, or where they proceeds entry under a fence. Place some allurement just outside the trap and spray the within with apple tree juice to increase effectiveness. To capture hares (jackrabbits) in open up terrain, use a double-door trap with weighted doors to prevent escape. It is best to apply a larger trap than used on rabbits


Single-door type, ten x 12 ten 42 in.

Fish-flavored cat food, corn, ripe bananas, bacon, sardines, peanut butter, jelly, marshmallows, (resemble eggs and accept center appeal).

Identify the trap where the brute, or evidence of the brute has been seen, or at its den archway.


Single- or double-door type, 5 x 5 ten eighteen in.

Peanut butter, grain.

River otter

Single-door type, 10 10 12 x 42 in. larger, longer if a double-door trap is used

Fresh fish.

Encompass the bottom of the trap with sand. River otters may exist trapped in suitcase type traps used to capture beavers. Modify the sides then the otters can't escape.

(spotted skunk)

Single-door type, 7 x 7 ten xx in.

Pocket-size marshmallows (resemble eggs), tainted meat, sardines, bacon, canned fish.

Come across Striped skunk.

(striped skunk)

Single-door type, 10 x 10 x 24 in.

Peanut butter, bananas, honey, or molasses spread on a piece of breadstuff or dried fruit; likewise yogurt, cheese, raw egg (trail some through the trap and leave the rest in the back of the trap).

Place the trap along a travel route or immediately outside the den entrance, using the funnel method (Fig. 2). Alternatively, place a plastic laundry basket over the pigsty and cut out an opening just large enough to insert the door of a trap into the basket cut-out. The skunk will search for an opening to become through and go into the trap. Stake the basket down so it cannot be moved. Box traps designed specifically for trapping skunks are available, or a cover tin exist fabricated out of a dark-colored blanket, plywood, or cardboard fastened with bungee cords. If a skunk is accidentally caught, use a long stick or other device to slowly embrace the trap with a towel or blanket before moving information technology. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may frighten the skunk.

(Eastern grey and fox squirrel)

Single- or double-door type, vi ten 6 x 24 in.,
longer for double-door traps

Peanut butter, basics, corn, sunflower seed, popcorn, bread.

A squirrel may not notice a trap set in the dark, or it may bump the trap, causing it to close prematurely. A trap set up on the roof is safe from theft, children, and pets, and offers a better chance for catching the squirrel. If possible, observe a window adjacent to a roof that the squirrel is using and you won't need a ladder.

Squirrel (Douglas and flying squirrel)

Single- or double-door type, 5 x 5 ten 18 in.

Apples, sunflower seeds, roasted peanuts.

For Douglas squirrels, meet higher up. For flying squirrels, set the trap inside a structure and near the beast's point of entry.

(long-tailed weasel)

Single- or double-door type, v x v x 24 in.

Fish, fresh chicken liver, chicken entrails.

Ready the trap in an old brush pile, or under an outbuilding or argue, since the weasel is likely to investigate any small covered area.

(short-tailed weasel)

Single- or double-door blazon, v x 5 x 18 in.

Fish, fresh chicken liver, chicken entrails.

Gear up the trap in an former castor pile, or under an outbuilding or debate, since the weasel is likely to investigate whatsoever small covered area.


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